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End of fiscal printer in the state of São Paulo

The SAT-eCF project - Electronic Tax Coupon Authenticator and Transmitter System aims to document, in electronic form, the commercial operations of retailers, taxpayers in the State of São Paulo, replacing the current ECF equipment - Issuer of Tax Coupons.

The SAT is not a program, but rather, it is a module composed of embedded hardware and software, a means of communication, which aims to replace the current ECFs - Issuers of Tax Coupons in the scope of retail in the State of São Paulo.

This equipment will generate and authenticate the CF-e-SAT - Electronic Tax Coupon - SAT, and, through the internet, transmit them periodically to the Secretariat of Finance - SEFAZ.

Thus, a new electronic fiscal document model, the Electronic Tax Coupon - SAT-eCF, is created, adhering to the Electronic Invoice model - NF-e and a new equipment standard.


The SAT will serve to generate, authenticate with legal validity and transmit, via the Internet, the CF-e-SAT issued by commercial establishments, through its own Digital Certificate.

The SAT does not have a printer integrated with it, and any common printer can be used to print the statement.

The CF-e-SAT extract is a simplified copy of the electronic document, basically serving to control purchases by the consumer. In it there is the access key that allows the consultation of the respective electronic document on the website of the Department of Finance, as well as a QRCODE type code that will make it possible to check the authenticity of the extract through mobile phones compatible with the technology.

The CF-e-SAT Statement is not a tax document, similarly to DANFE, it is only for the consumer to control their purchases and later consult the CF-e-SAT in SEFAZ systems.

The tax document, like the NFe, only exists in electronic form and is valid when regularly received and stored by SEFAZ.


a) from 01/01/2016, for taxpayers who earn gross revenue greater than or equal to R$ 100,000.00 in 2015;

b) from 01/01/2017, for taxpayers who earn gross revenue greater than or equal to R $ 80,000.00 in 2016;

c) from 01/01/2018, for taxpayers who earn gross revenue greater than R $ 60,000.00 in 2017;

d) after the period indicated in item “c”, from the first day of the year following that in which the taxpayer receives gross revenue greater than R $ 60,000.00.

Check your Infrastructure:

1 - Until when can your ECF be used;

2- If your store program is compatible with SAT and the equipment on which the SAT will be plugged has a USB port;

3-Has the necessary infrastructure for Internet deployment?

4- Has a common printer that you can share with several other SATs.


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