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We carry out technical, confidential work to adapt the impact of taxes to your business, under legal regulations, considering the perspective of activities under SPED. Mandatory tax books: federal, state and municipal. Evaluation of fiscal bookkeeping. Tax risks. Adherence to legislation. Inspection. Tax assessment. Evaluation of the most advantageous form of taxation under Real, Presumed or Simple Profit. Tax / legal statements.



The system has the registration of the rates of all taxable services by municipality, municipal legislation regarding the withholding of ISS at source, details of the calculation rule, federal legislation regarding the withholding of Income Tax and calculates all taxes levied on the service object of the tax document, based on federal, state and municipal legislation.


TAX RULES can be used in two ways. In the first, the insurer, upon receiving the invoice from the broker, updates its data in the system for the calculation of taxes that affect the provision of services, that is, the broker's commission. In the second option, the solution is used as a tax consultancy.

In addition, TAX RULES offers agility and mobility, since it is based on SOA - service oriented architecture, with easy integration into legacy systems and ERP’s, offering access to the system from anywhere, anytime.


Art. 150 without prejudice to other guarantees provided to the taxpayer, the Union, the States, the Federal District and the Municipalities are prohibited: (...) § 7. The law may attribute to a taxable person a tax liability the condition of responsible for the payment of tax or contribution, the taxable event of which must occur later, ensuring the immediate and preferential refund of the amount paid, in case the presumed taxable event is not carried out. (Included by Constitutional Amendment No. 3, 1993).

The constitutional text allows the institution of tax substitution at the federal, state and municipal levels.
Within the scope of ICMS, Complementary Law No. 87/96, called the Kandir Law, also contains a provision that authorizes the Law to assign the third person the obligation to pay ICMS.
According to the modification introduced in Law nº 6,374 / 1989 by Law nº 13,291 / 2008, § 16 of art. 8, the definition of products subject to the tax substitution regime will be preceded by consultations with FIESP, FECOMERCIO, ACSP, APAS and other entities representing the affected economic sectors, at the discretion of the Finance Secretariat, and will take into account factors such as the concentration of production, dispersion of commercialization, particularities of the production and distribution chains and treatment received in other units of the Federation


Advantages and Benefits:Centralization of legal / fiscal intelligence.
Updated Legislation Guarantee.
Security in the calculation of taxes.
Monitoring and notification of legal changes.
Parameterized and homologated calculation rules.
Reduction of tax risks with invoices.
Integration with any System (webservice).
Enables the tax team to focus on management


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